iOS 5.1 Failed To Resolve Battery Problems

Posted by Ahsan Tasneem | 11:00 AM | , , , , | 1 comments »

Apple has not experienced everything going their way despite seeing iPhone 4S topping the sales chart. The iCloud and iOS has still undergone a variety of issues. With the release of iOS 5 , many users where able to fix long-standing issues but one thing that it failed to do is to solve the battery life problem.

Apple has participated in the discussion by confirming that iOS 5 still possess problems but also informed that they are trying to fix the problem. And we thought the battery drain issue would now be over when iOS 5.0.1 was seeded to testers. But that did not happen and the issue even spread to those who were not previous sufferers before.

With that a new beta in the form of iOS 5.1 was seeded to developers. 0.9 higher than the previous version , it looked promising and was thought to aid the battery life problem to some extent. But that did not happen. However we have heard that performing a DFU restore and then using iCloud backup to restore all data can aid in battery life performance. You can try this to see how it goes.

Also it has been reported that every time users updated to the new iOS version (iOS 5.0.1 or the new beta), they had to perform an iCloud backup to restore all data. Also we are unsure if the update process when not done as a DFU restore faces a problem or not. We still have to see how the battery life does this time around.

We would like to hear how your battery life is performing if you updated to the new beta! How did you upgrade? What hardware did you use? Has the battery life worsened.

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  1. Anonymous // December 5, 2011 at 1:36 PM  

    iPhone 5 will not release until they solve the problem of battery drain even in iPhone 4s battery really suck that much btw in their keynote presentation always give false hope on battery life. Can we trust Apple again? If they let us Jailbreak approved it would be better since JB have app that make the battery life stable ^_^

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